Sharing some photos from Day 2 of staying in. I went through the concretions from my Mazon Creek collecting trip from March 1. I cracked about 10 of them total, perhaps about 50 left (I have to pace myself since we still have over 2 weeks of this left). Unfortunately, I came up with just a couple blobs, and even more that were completely blank.
Because of our current ‘shelter in place’ situation, I decided to start doing other things I have been putting off as well, such as using my Nikon SLR camera more often.
So below are some high quality photos of disappointment. However there are some gems coming out tomorrow I am sure. Keep in mind, about 90% of these will be blank or unidentifiable.
And below are some soft hackle patterns I started practicing today. These are a spin of “Nick’s Soft Hackle” from Yellowstone Country Fly Fishing (link). The dubbing I used is a tan with red flash.
Keep staying home everyone.
Below shows how we can cut this way shorter than it has to be.