New finds from old concretions that I had gathered from 2016-2020. Many of these have been through several freeze thaw cycles and didn’t break open, so I don’t mind using the rock hammer on these. Plus, these have mostly been from my ‘dud’ bucket, or concretions that don’t look like they’d hold a fossil, but were decent enough to not throw away without tapping them.

Also new flies for the box.

Today brings good and bad quarantine news. The good news is that today marks 10 days since my last real ‘exposure’ to Coronavirus. It was my last grocery store trip, in the early wave of panic buying. I’ve been doing curbside pickup or delivery ever since.
At this point I can say that I have either had Covid-19 and was completely asymptomatic, or I have not had it yet.
The bad news is that Illinois ‘stay at home’ policy has extended to April 30.
Looks like after hammering they’re no longer desirable..
Just keep freeze thawing them longer.
300mil yrs to create and how many times expected to freeze thaw?
May take many – over 20! I know people who hv had nice rarities stubbornly test the patience of those who can wait long enough for the rewards of the open !